Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tick tock tick tock

It's been a while since I've been here! There's been no time or hardly any !

Tick tock tick tock. So much to do..so litle time.Cliched, yet true.

Between the kids and the house and the career and the desire to do so much, read so much, watch so much, meet so many, talk about so much....tick tock tick tock.

Between knowing that to do it all, is to live my life within a completely organized, planned to the tee timetable, which then the bohemian part of me completly disagrees to as being so robotic.

SO I make these little arrangements. The morning rush is the morning rush , yet I sit down with that first cup of tea. Light the incense. Gather my thoughts.

Sit on the red bench at the subway station and read. Let a few trains come and go.

Lunch hour equals an hour at the gym.

A little less cleaning on the weekends. A few extra calls to some friends.

Laundry can wait an extra day. A good film beckons.

And while there's all those bills to be sorted, right now it was just time to sit down and write.

Tick tock tick tock. Now, how do I fit the yoga in?


  1. good to hear you sister..how about yoga while gathering your thoughts ? no ?

  2. OMG....you're finally back!!
    I'm so glad that you're finding the time to talk to a few more of us online...and I think the yoga will find its time too. Just please keep writing...have missed you too much :)
