Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Change. And then some more.

2008 has been about transitions. Major transistions. And here I am in, on Sept 10, 2008 finding myself at the brink of yet another one.
We are thinking of selling the condo. And as exciting as it may be, from a financial point of view, it is going to be a major change. And an even more major amount of work. Setting up the condo for viewing. Putting away stuff. Thinking of where to move. Packing. Unpacking. Moving out. Moving in. School districts. Neighborhoods.
And in between all that, two kids. The Franchise investment. Taxes. US properties.
I am feeling so overwhelmed right now. My mind does not even want to think of all this. And yet there is no option but to think of all this.
Because this is life. Had I thought, at 23, life would be all this. NO. Big NO.
And yet, at 34, it is what it is right now. And the only way I make any sense of it to myself, is that it is all going to work out and work out for the best. Am I merely trying to convince myself, I don't know. All I know is that by thinking this, I get through it. And that is what I need to do right now. Get through this.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Calm the mind. Clear the thoughts. And get on with it.
Maybe 2009 will be the year. Then again, maybe not.
All I know is for now, 2008 is what I need to tackle. Starting tomorrow.
Let the change begin. Yet again.

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