Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wildflowers and a 6 year old

My 6 year old went to the woods today. And brought me back some wildflowers. A bunch of white. A stem of purple. And then some random yellows, reds and oranges.

And as he handed them to me he explained how he had not plucked a single one of them. He'd picked them up from the ground. Because he felt if he'd plucked them, he'd be hurting nature. Taking away from the woods what wasn't his to take away.

And in that explanation, he had articulated my "still evolving" view on education. My growing belief that education goes much beyond the walls of a classroom. It goes into the woods where a 6 year old boy will know how not to tamper with nature.

A bunch of wildflowers collected from the ground. Report cards fail in comparison.


  1. the makeover...the colour...the title...and what a brilliant post to lead the change!
    What a sensitive, intelligent little boy you have the privillege of raising...really touched ;)
    on another note....I HAVE to call you!! so tell me when is a good time....

  2. I'm really impressed with your son. I guess we have a lesson or two to learn from him :)

  3. I absolutely agree.... and it's only Mums like you who can spot the difference between report cards and report cards.
