Sunday, September 19, 2010


Whoever thought of that word- genius! More so when used in the context of describing an emotion.

I have felt blah. I feel blah. Here and there. Now and then. It comes, it goes. And then visits again.

Bad hair day. Skin breaking out. Three broken nails. Nail paint chipping off. Appointment to the waxing salon way overdue. Bloating. Pants not fitting right. Nothing fitting right. Blah.

Husband getting on nerves. Arguments over little things. Kids getting on nerves. Noisy as hell. Whining. Crying. Messy rooms. Blah.

Boring mundane work at office. Annoying colleagues. Even more annoying meetings. Deadlines. Blah.

Body hurting. Calling out for a massage. For which there is no time. Missed yoga classes. Gym sessions cancelled. Blah.

Loads of laundry. Messy house. Depleted stock of groceries. Trip to grocery store seeming dauntingly mind numbing. Blah.

Load the dishwasher. Clean out closets. School forms to be filled out. Lunch bags to be packed. Breakfasts to be managed. Blah.

Yes, I have my blah moments.



  1. Lovely post Neets....there are tons of times I nearly pick up the phone to call you and then realize that it may be too early or late for you....must must call you soon:)

  2. gosh susan..I do the being in such different timezones from friends that I would love to talk to every other day...i hope we can chat sooooon!
