Thursday, September 9, 2010

Stoning...... Seriously??

I find it absolutely appalling that somewhere on this globe there is a woman who has been condemned to be stoned on charges of adultery. And due to intervention, for now, her stoning has been halted. What truly is appalling is that there is even a discussion around to be or not to be. And yes, I know it is not all that simple...but really? A woman being stoned to death? And there is a discussion around it.
Call me naive if you will... But I think it should be a simple thing like " No, there is no law in this world that should sanction the stoning of a woman"


  1. Exactly, it is sad that we have no sunergy in the world, while on one side you can pose nude and indulge in orgies, on the other hand you are stoned to death for errr apparently.. adultery. The system is so flawed.
