Thursday, July 2, 2009

Immigrant tales

Color, not colour. Sidewalk , not pavement. Stroller, not pram. Grade, not class. Street, not road.

I used to shift houses. Now I move.

Neighbors do not come over to borrow a katori of yoghurt. It would be an imposition, not an opportunity to have a conversation.

More Christmas lights. Less Diwali.

Blues, grays, browns as opposed to oranges, lime greens and reds.

Driving on the right, not the left.

Home and " back home".

That feeling of belonging. Yet feeling "in- between".

The journey of an immigrant. I started mine in 1997.

It's been a long one and there's lots to tell.


  1. wow..just divulge..would love to hear your stories..start off, chatai or no chatai..lets hear it

  2. Awesome Neeta...i completely connected with the post and with the feeling of being 'in between'. Nostalgia is something that you can never shake off, despite the connection with 'back home' getting weaker.
