Saturday, March 19, 2011

A day in the life

I needed to start something new- a project to keep me creatively satisfied, something fun , something meaningful.

Started with my husbands idea of taking a picture a day of the kids. And so I started. And the one thing I told myself was that these would not be the typical pose for mommy pics at a special occasion or place- these would the random, spontaneous pictures of their life- moments and moods... Breakfasts, baths, friends, school, walks, sleep, tantrums even.

And it's been fun. And easy to do with the camera on the phone. At any moment of day when I remember to do it, I just click away.

And so yesterday as I downloaded the pictures from the phone to the computer, I smiled at what I saw. Rohan posing with his new scooter, Gia eating pancake mix, Rohan and his every morning big breakfast, a pose at the museum, a moment at the bookstore, fun in the bathtub. Smiles, frowns, poses, looks. Faces of a 7 and a 21/2 year old. Days of their lives. And days of mine.


  1. lovely, I am glad you started doing that :)

  2. what a fantastic idea Neets....and what a treasure it will be for them as they discover the tons of pics when they are older:)
