Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Salon talk

Dolly. 50 something, short stature, clear skin, short dark hair, yellow sweater, blue jeans, sneakers. Chewing gum. Small eyes, mouth like a squirrel's.

As she waxed away the hair from my legs, she talked. She waxed and she talked. Wax on spatula, wax on leg, strip on leg, pulls hair out and talks.

About her many years of marriage to her first cousin. Who was 9 years older than her. About how happy she was with him and how fabulously she got along with her mother in law since her mother in law was also her aunt. It was all one family -hers and her husband's.

She spoke of her sons who chose to live in India. The older married to a "nice girl - an only child- she's like a princess, na, pampered" "So she also doesn't want to leave India and her family. She has help at home. She was a computer engineer, then she became a teacher and now she does not work- she does tutoring at home."

"She's a very nice girl and see we get along. We live far away from each other- that is always best- we talk on the phone. When I go there to visit, we get along, we travel, we go out for dinner. She is very nice"

The younger son, she said is 29 and refuses to get married. He keeps having girlfriends, only for 6 months. "What is that? Like this, he will be like my cousin who is 40 and single and keeps changing the girlfriend.I tell my son- like this you carry on, one day you will have to find a gay man. He gets annoyed with me so much when I say that, but I say that." Wax, strip, pull. One leg done.

Why did you move from Houston, I ask? Isn't it warmer weather there?

"See now, she starts "what to do sometimes in life? My husband got a good job here with the City. And life in the US now...really,'s getting worse. No benefits, everything really expensive. sometimes, then in life, you have to make this decisions. I miss Houston. I miss the warm sun. It's just too cold here. But I tell myself, D, only 3-4 months. But I miss Houston. Oh, all my friends, you know they miss me so much. They say D, why don't you come visit us? "

She misses Houston. Home of 10 years.

"Tomorrow I have my day off" this, out the blue.

"What do you do, on your day off?" Now I am fishing. Oh, I am!

"First, I will go to the YMCA, exercise, I like that" I like that too, D. See, now it is important to stay fit, Otherwise old people always thinking this is it, now we are old. "Then I will ask my friends in Houston to give me missed call and I will call them back. Oh, they miss me so much. So many friends I have. One of then has this plan, you can talk unlimited US to Canada. so they all come to her house and use that. And they tell me everything. About everyone.I just keep talking an talking and talking" I would have never guessed :-)

"That way I am talkative. My husband, he's very quiet. Too peaceful. Also, my older son. My God, I don't like talking to them. So quiet. Too much. Only my husband will talk to me. When I say ok you talk, then will start talking. He likes it. But he doesn't talk to anyone else, only likes talking to me." 27 years of marriage.

"Do you miss your sons" Hook, line...."yes, but what to do? Actually, it is okay , it is good this way. You know, once kids grow up, its better they are on their own, You live your life, I live mine. I like it that way. And it's best that way.

Can you turn this way? I'll wax the side now. Turn, wax, strip, pull.

It's very cold here in Canada. I miss my Houston. But what to do. In life, you have to make these decisions.

Why don't trips there, I ask? Long trips in winter?

"Haan, she says, that's nice. But my poor husband , he'll be alone. Poor thing."

"he's very nice, treats me like a queen. I told him, now my big birthday is coming. Everyday I tell him, my big birthday is coming." Dolly, he says, I'll have a nice party."

I tell him, my birthday is coming.

When, I ask, is your birthday?


We're in February.

Okay, she says, all done. Now I will put some oil.

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