Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hysterical laughter at inane stuff

I miss it. The hysterical laughter at inane stuff. So every once in a while, I like to think back at those crazy moments:

Gayo, me and Roohi. And one big mad dog Poali. On the road from C.P to Noida.

Susan and me. On the train from Bangalore to Chennai. Absolutely prized moments.

My sis Api and me - lots of times- growing up. In good times and bad.

Roo and me, lots and lots of times, sometimes even over the phone, which is truly hysterical.

Roo, Api and me - almost every time we three are together. Top of the charts- my rather impromptu act of Hrithik Roshans pelvic thrusts. To this day I have no idea why I did that- especially in front of two babes who will never ever let me live it down.

I laugh. Quite often.

But that hysterical laughter over inane stuff- that's something else.


  1. I am still laughing about our conversation last night :))).. I miss the laughter I really really do..

  2. I'm so touched that our train hysteria has made it to your top 5 hysterical laughter memories!! I really miss that deep, senseless laughter too...and i miss you.

  3. One of my favourite ones is sitting on the stairs of the Mysore silk udyog after buying some wedding stuff - dont even know why we wer laughing but we were !!
    And the hrithik moves ...even if those kids dont remember i will make sure they do :-) that u will never live down ..and now i am laughing again !!!
