Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Observations of the Why Why girl

Why is it that you will be one of the very lucky few who will find that one soul sister aka best friend aka besty aka go to person at all times....

she will live at the other end of the world from you, separated by some various oceans whose names you don't even remember, by a 27 hr long flight, by completely different time zones by which I mean, her night, your day kind of different time zones.

And if you're lucky you will see her for a what will seem like very short 15- 20 days every three years.

And you will constantly wait for her sun to rise while yours sets to be able to pour your heart out to her because she is your go to person. Living at the other end of the world?


1 comment:

  1. Oh sweety, this is exactly what my feelings are !!! why oh why ..I am just thankful that I even have someone like you, imagine if I didnt , that would be bleak to say the least. Now lets do something about that sun.
