Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Here's to thinking. And to best friends. And to Grey's Anatomy.

I love Grey's Anatomy.

And I love my best friend for knowing that I would love Grey's Anatomy. And for telling me over and over again to watch Grey's Anatomy. And when I didn't listen, then, for getting me the DVD's for Grey's Anatomy. Then sending my 5 year old with her 5 year old to the balcony to play. And for babysitting my 7 month old daughter. And for bringing me my dinner to where I sat. All so I could sit and watch Grey's Anatomy.

And thank God for a best friend like that. Because I love Grey's Anatomy. I love the drama. I love the interplay of relationships. I love the characters. I love the hospital setting. I love the soundtrack. I love the dialogues. I love Burke and Bailey. And I love Christina and George. I love them all. Yup, even Alex.

And I love the narrative. I, especially, love, love, love the narrative.

It is a well thought of narrative.
It is a well written narrative.
And it is a very well narrated narrative.

It is a narrative that makes you listen.
It is a narrative that makes you think.
It is a narrative that makes you question.

And it is a narrative that makes you introspect.
It is a narrative that provides you an intelligent perspective.
It is a narrative that gives you an insight.
And it is a narrative that throws questions at you.

For instance, what would you do if you knew this was the last day of your life?

Think about it. I know I will.

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm, it does that doesnt it, it's made for people like you and me and the other bunch of GA lovers who know that life is thoughtful, full of queries and choices, it is made for people like you and me and I suspect by people like you and me. And thank you for trusting me..and thank you for Rachel 's more alike activity..
