Saturday, December 13, 2008

Life is short. Have an affair.

Smart tagline. Controversial service. A dating service for single people (fine!) and more so for people in a relationship (hmmm) and even more so, for married people (now, you're talking!), looking to have an affair.

And is attracting a lot of clients. Let me rephrase that. And is attracting a lot of clients who are married, looking to have affairs. Men , women, husbands, wives. they're all there. they're all having affairs.

So I watched this show ..a talk show in which they interviewed the founder of the above mentioned service. And even though the talk show host and the audience were trying to get all self righteous on him, I really thought the man had a point. And his point was this. He wasn't promoting adultery or telling people that they should have an affair. According to him, the people who come to the website, seeking affairs, have already actually decided to step outside their marriage. His web service was merely facilitating it.

And honestly, I think, his argument is fair ! The man, even, has a point. Adultery exists. Spouses cheat. Really, married people have affairs. That is just how it is.

Why? The reasons are plenty and very varied, I can imagine. Sometimes, it is just the boredom of the many many years of being with one person. It could be the drudgery of everyday life. Nothing at all to to do with the spouse. Just someone seeking some excitement. A thrill. Something naughty. Something to make you feel 20 again. When you're really hitting 40. Sometimes, it has got everything to do with the spouse. Disinterested spouse. Boring sex life. lack of chemistry. Etc , etc, etc.

And hey, sometimes, it' just too much vodka. And a cute guy at the bar on the girls night out. Or an ex flame. A secret crush. Unrequited love from the past. Pure physical chemistry with a colleague.

Like I said, the reasons are plenty. And varied. As I can imagine are the consequences.

The choice , however, is only this. Log in. Or log out.

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