Wednesday, May 12, 2010

kookie mookie shookie koo

Mama ka koochie poochie. Goo goo gaa gaa shee. Bad googy hup. soni moni. Alle alle baby choochie choo. Cutie patootie too. alle alle sonie monie tootie pootise poo. poo poo. No poo poo. baby did pee. sona mona baby. doodlie doo. such a sonie monie. chotru potru .

There's English. and Spanish. Mandarin. Russian. Canotnese. french.

And then there's baby talk.

No grammar. No rules. Phonetics, bah. It just comes naturally when you're talking to a baby who has not yet been inroduced to the complicated rules of language. It comes freely. And well understood and recieved in spasms of delight by recipient.

And I if it inspired doo doo doo, da da da, is all I want to say to you.


  1. that was a shweetie peteti of a blog....:)and absolutely fun.

  2. hahahahahahaha...yess more power to baby talk..!! beautiful thought..would make for a great ad right na?
