Saturday, April 4, 2009

For a season. And a reason.

Inspired by a Grey's Antomy narrative that talked about the people we meet in our lives and the friends we make. The friends that eventually become a family to us, different from the family we are born into. The family we are born into is the one we don't choose. It is , of course, the one that feeds us , clothes us and eventually prepares us to go out into the world. To choose our tribe.

Tribe. I like the sounds of that. Rings of a certain togetherness.

We all have our tribes. It consists of people, we in the course of our life. At different stages . In different places. In varied ways. Some, we go to school with. The growing up years. Others, University. The formative ones. Some we work with. Bosses, Colleagues. A few we just meet. At a club. At a friends house. At the YMCA.

Destiny and brings us together. A certain connection binds us.

Of all the people we meet, some stick. Keepers.

Some don't. They are there for a reason. And a season. But, only a season.

The sifting process. Which separates the friends from the accquaintances. The friends, which then become the tribe.

I have a tribe. It is a wonderul tribe. The people in my tribe have interests ranging from art to music to art to travel to photography. Yoga, and books. Cooking, world cinema, fashion. They are talented people. In their different ways. Intelligent people. Wise. Grounded. Honest. Hard working. Real.

I am glad I have my tribe.

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